Offices at Apex Fintech Solutions

Apex Fintech Solutions is headquartered in Dallas, TX and has 6 office locations.

Hybrid Workplace

Employees engage in a combination of remote and on-site work.

Typical time on-site: 3 days a week

U.S. Office Locations

Dallas, TX

350 N St Paul St, Dallas, TX, United States, 75201

Austin, TX

2010 E 6th St, Austin, TX, United States, 78702

Chicago, IL

141 W Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL, United States, 60604

Los Angeles, CA

660 S Figureoa St, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 90017

New York, NY

888 7th Ave, New York, NY, United States, 10019

Portland, OR

555 SW Morrison St, Portland, OR, United States, 97204

Search the 87 jobs at Apex Fintech Solutions

12 Minutes Ago
Austin, TX
Fintech • Software • Financial Services
Onboarding Specialist at Apex Fintech Solutions responsible for guiding clients through the onboarding process, establishing relationships, and ensuring timely project completion. Key responsibilities include client communication, risk management, and conflict resolution.
12 Minutes Ago
Chicago, IL
Fintech • Software • Financial Services
The Onboarding Specialist at Apex Fintech Solutions will work with clients, prospects, and vendors throughout their business launch and expansion with the company's offerings. Responsibilities include assessing client needs, managing project requirements, building client relationships, and ensuring timely project completion. The role involves client documentation, regulatory requirements, account configurations, and data integrity.
12 Minutes Ago
Dallas, TX
Fintech • Software • Financial Services
The Onboarding Specialist will work with clients, prospects, and third-party vendors to ensure a smooth onboarding process and ongoing business expansion with Apex Fintech Solutions. Responsibilities include guiding clients through documentation and implementation requirements, managing project timelines, and resolving any challenges that arise during the onboarding process.