What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an arrangement in which an affiliate, such as a publisher, earns a commission by promoting another company’s products.

Written by Matthew Urwin
Published on Dec. 15, 2021
What Is Affiliate Marketing?
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Hannah Carlson | Aug 11, 2022

The affiliate gets a piece of each sale that goes through its channel, with the process being tracked by specially coded URLs. Companies can develop more personal connections with customers by turning to individuals who already have established networks to become affiliates.

What is an example of affiliate marketing?

  • While email marketing is a traditional form of affiliate marketing, the discipline now spans social media and other online channels.

Affiliates have plenty of options when deciding how to reach out to customers. In addition to email marketing, social media has become a powerful tool for individuals to build a loyal following. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram blend both casual and professional worlds, allowing people like college athletes to serve as relatable brand ambassadors.

If a company wants to take a more comprehensive approach, it can enlist the services of affiliates who run blogs or websites. In this example, affiliates may be provided with a unique link that tracks purchases back to them to prove their involvement in facilitating a sale, with the affiliate receiving a percentage of revenue for directing a consumer. The expansion of technology has also led to a suite of creative solutions, ranging from phone apps to interactive quizzes, all featuring affiliate links within to facilitate brand sales. As long as the affiliate marketer and the brand are a match, a business can present itself in a new and exciting light.


How can I start affiliate marketing with no money? 

Affiliate marketers need to cement their expertise in an industry and forge bonds with a specific audience before they can assist companies.

The most valuable resource affiliates can offer to organizations is an authentic persona. It’s easy to develop this sincere presence when affiliates follow their own personal interests. Those who take this approach can better relate to audiences with similar passions as they’re more likely to have shared viewpoints on interests and ideas. 

After discovering their niche, affiliates can reach digital audiences for free through websites, blogs and social media accounts. Producing consistent and relevant content then draws more attention while eliciting responses to posts. By earning the trust and feedback of others, affiliates can nurture empathetic connections with audiences and become essential personnel for companies looking to understand their customers.


How do I become an affiliate?

Companies have come to depend on affiliate marketing to boost growth, so affiliates now have multiple options to find the right opportunity.

Affiliate marketing has become an excellent method for accelerating growth, so many businesses actually seek talent by creating affiliate programs. Larger affiliate networks also serve as hubs that connect affiliate marketers to organizations looking to increase awareness of their brands. Applications are typically required to gain access to affiliate programs.     

If individuals want to narrow their search further, they can look for specific companies or entrepreneurs with a focus on customer acquisition. These entities desire growth and are likely to welcome outside help in a variety of forms, so long as value can be proven. Whether affiliates tap into networks or reach out to companies directly, they can customize their approach when entering the field of affiliate marketing.

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